Application for member admission To apply to join us as a member please fill in the form below. Title of Applicant First Name of Applicant Last Name of Applicant Known as Date of Birth Place of Birth Reason for joining the Merchant Company? Contact Details Home Address Line 1 Home Address Line 2 Home Address Line 3 Town County Postcode Mobile Email Qualifications Business Details LinkedIn Profile Address Current Position Business Name and Address Nature of Business Business Website Please provide a brief history of your business life Please provide details of Merchant Company connections you may have If you know current members of the Company you can put them down as your proposer or seconder, but you should ask them first. If not, your application will be forwarded to the Membership Committee, and arrangements will be made to meet with you to further your application. Proposer Seconder I hereby apply as a Member of the Royal Company of Merchants of the City of Edinburgh subject to the Acts and Rules of the Company. I have noted the provisions of the Company’s Order below regarding qualifications and elections. I understand that subject to my application being proposed and seconded the application will in the first instance be considered by the Master’s Court who must be satisfied that I am a qualified and suitable person. I understand that the second stage is to report the application to existing Members. Any Members will be informed of my name, proposer, seconder and a summary of my professional experience. Contact data will not be shared. Any member who wishes to object to an application must do so in writing to the Secretary and Chamberlain, within 21 days of the date of the letter/email. The application is then remitted within 42 days of the letter/email to members to the Master’s Court, which will consider any objections lodged and may elect the application if at least eight of the Court vote for election. If the application is refused by the Court, I would have 14 days from being notified of the refusal to appeal. If I appeal, my application would be submitted to a General Meeting of the Company where the Company may elect with a two-thirds majority. I understand that any information contained in this form will be temporarily shared with my proposer, my seconder, and the Master’s Court. The membership will be informed of my name, proposer, seconder and a summary of my professional experience during Stage 2. Contact data will not be shared. It will also be held in the Company’s databases for as long as I remain involved with the Royal Company of Merchants of the City of Edinburgh. Any changes to data can be emailed to For further information our full privacy policy can be found here: Please tick this box to confirm you have read the statement above. Signature of Applicant Date